
Bring on the bitch

So last night was SNB and I stitched, and I bitched. But, let's start from the beginning.

I was really looking forward to SNB last night. I was. Gwen was going to be there. But, something was off. I couldn't quite place it. Was it becasue Laurie wasn't there? Was it because Ellen wasn't there? Not really. Both were missed. But, as it turns out it was me that was off.

Yes, I was in a mood. Moody. That was me. I was talking Gwen's poor ear off as I knitted. I'm unhappy with my room. It's a mess and I don't want to clean it up. I want real furniture in my room. I want storage space. Work sucks. I hate people. After a bit of silence on my part it suddenly hit me.

I'm being very negative, and despite my smile. I'm pretty grumpy. I mentioned this this and was shocked when Gwen said:

Gwen: I was worried about calling you again. Because last we talked you had an edge to your voice?
Me: I had an edge to my voice? I wasn't feeling edgy? I was happy.

But, I guess I wasn't. Then it hit me. I know what's going on. Oh yes, hormones. It's funny how PMS always sneaks up on me. I don't even realize it's happening. I'm smiling. I'm thinking I should be happy. But, all of a sudden I stop and realize I'm actually really grumpy. Then I check the calandar.

So, now I'm fully into my grumpiness and in a way I feel much better. I'm trying to avoid people so I don't inadvertently get edgy with them. And I'm drinking coffee this morning. Coffee makes me feel better even if it doesn't improve my mood.

I have no pictures of my knitting project. It pretty much looks the same but about a half inch longer. Although that was another strange thing last night.

Before I start knitting I measure to make sure it's not time for a decrease row. The night before I swear I was 9 inches. Suddenly I'm at 8.5 inches. And all night it seemed like the wrap would lengthen and then shrink back. Maybe that was the hormones too.


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