
!@#%....Yeah, you heard me

I made this resolution to not swear as much, maybe not at all ever again. (Yes, I did say that with a straight face. Shut up) But, this latest knitting project is making it really hard. As you know I've been working on "tie one on". The knitting project that is, rather than just drinking large quantities of wine. Although I have been known to do that as well. Maybe it's the fact that I tend to do both at the same time that leads to me to these unfortunate incidences.

Sunday I spent with Laina and Laurie (and I still refuse to believe that Laina won't be at stitch n' bitch on thursday. She's still in LA damn it [crap i swore]) We talked. We knitted. We may have had some wine. I have no pictures of it because I was too busy having fun to think of pulling the camera out. Which was silly since it was our last get together before Laina moves. But, rest assured it was a great time.

So, the next day i'm up and I'm looking at my wrap which is actually taking shape. And I'm very excited. I mean there are problems with it. There's one row in particular that's going to need some serious embellishment. But, hey I've progressed past the first decrease without ripping everything apart for the 40 billionith (slight exageration I admit) time. So, I'm happy.

Until I see it

IMG_0052my reaction

Horror. I dropped a fricking stitch. But like the kid in A Christmas Story, I used much stronger langugae. A string of stronger language. In fact, I probably sounded like the dad in a Christmas Story fighting the furnace.
0Ah! A dropped stitch

I was so upset. I realize that every knittiner, Debbie Bliss herself, has dropped a stitch. And it's hardly the worst thing that can happen. It's just I've never successfully fixed the problem with out ripping down to it. Pathetic I know. But, I had just bought a set of crochet hooks, and with the clear and concise directions from Teen Knitting Club in front of me, I set to work to saving my project.

And miracle of miracles I did. I actually picked the stitch back up and at least that section doesn't look like a piece of crap. (Damn it. Crap isn't the best word either.) And relief spread across my the apartment


I'm actually amazed at how far along I've made it. I'm actually at 7 1/2 inches. I'd love to show you, but no batteries remember. So, maybe I won't be killing myself over this damn project anyway.

But, seriously can't I just knit fucking scarves for the rest of my life?


From tie one on to tying one on

So, I'm kind of down right now because I missed Stitch n' Bitch tonight and it was Laine's last night there. I hate that I wasn't there. Unfortunately work and the clock just got in the way. It happens in life. But, still bummed, bummed, bummed out. It's funny how at times like this you can look back, especially when you're snapping photos with your new digital camera, and see the string of events that led to this moment. It all becomes part of ones life story.

Prologue: Sunday night I finished my drop stitch scarf. IMG_0035 I was very happy and it seemed things could only get better. And that slightly glassy look in my eye isn't from the wine I consumed. No, it was the heat. The heat I tell you. And really looking forward to my new knitting project "tie one on"

Chapter One: It'll All Started So Promising
Monday I met Gwenny at Farmer's Market. We ate dinner at this greek restaurant which was great. We then went upstairs to knit. Did you know that the Farmer's Market in West Hollywood had an upstairs? I didn't until stitch n' bitch entered my life.

IMG_0040Materials for my new project Little did I know that this trip upstairs for some chatting and knitting was the closest I would get to stitch n' bitch this week. I'm making a wrap that can be found on knitty.com called tie one on.

Chapter 2: The future isn't as bright. I can let go of the shades

The next couple of nights I started knitting this little project together. Through 24 season finale, Lost season finale you could find me at home knitting and watching TV. It was very relaxing and I needed to unwind after a tough day. IMG_0043 I made good progress. And added to me abilities by knitting to yarns together!

Chapter 4: Today. Rue the day.

Today, thursday. Today is when things went really bad. I had my new scarf, my new project, and the asbestos book all ready to take to stitch n' bitch tonight. But, when I walked into work I knew it just wasn't going to be. At the end of the day this was how I felt.
Messy, and strewn about. And, even though they're inanimate objects I think the yarn and asbestos book were just as disappointed as I was.

Chapter 6: The cyclical nature of life is revealed
So, I'm down, I'm tired, I'm disappointed which led me back to tie one on.

Because knitting is dandy, but liquor is quicker.



Friends don't let friends drink and knit

Last night was the bbq at Laurie's place. It was so much fun and very hot. Laurie is a good southern girl who knows how to grill. No gas for this chick, she uses a charcoal grill heating up the coals with a chimney. The only time I've seen that is on the food network. So, I was really impressed. I grew up with gas grills myself. Which are dangerous! We had this one where the button to ignite the grill stopped working, so you had to go underneath with a spark gun and light the gas through this hole.

Well, one day I'm lighting the grill. I turn on the gas. I go underneath the grill. I stick the spark gun into the hole. I light the spark gun. And I forgot one little detail. Open the lid. The gas that's been collecting in the grill lights and the flame goes whoosh through the hole burning my arm. I could smell the singed hair. People, when lighting gas make sure flames will shoot up and not down onto your arm. Remember to open the lid. Me and fire have a long and sordid past together. So, I'm only too glad to leave the bbq'ing and grilling to the pros. bbqJennifer & Laurie

So, there was eating and there was alcohol. And there's one thing I learned friends don't let friends drink and knit...at least not on their own. I brought over my knitting and was very excited because I would be finishing my drop stitch ribbon scarf. However, by the time I started knitting I'd had a couple, four, five glasses of wine. And the heat. Did I mention the heat? Oh yeah, that fogged up the brain real well, too. The only thing that could have made my brain a little less functional was a hit off a bong. I thought I was doing really well. I even took a picture of the scarf nearing it's completion.

bbqThe almost completed Scarf.

This is in fact there very spot where things started going terribly, terribly wrong. The drop stitch scarf is a simple pattern. Knit 2 rows. 3rd Row knit one, one over until the end, 4th row knit one, drop stitch, knit one. Well sometime during Row 3 I forgot an over. I did not discover this until Row 4. This has happened before and I've always managed to work my way backward out of the problem by patiently undoing a stitch at a time. In my befuddled state however, I messed up and I cannot even describe it. So, I went to the tried and true quick fix, rip. As one knits, one shall rip. So I rip a couple of rows. Get my needle back in.

Feeling good about the whole thing. Knit 2 rows, 3rd row knit one, one over, etc. I look at it and it was terribly, terribly terribly wrong. There was this long bit of yarn just hanging between 2 stitches with 5 or 6 stitches in between. Many times when I've made a mistake in a project I'll chalk it up to my persion flaw. A little sacrifice to the Gods to show I'm humble and realize only their work is perfect. This mistake was so horrendous I think the knitting gods would have blighted all my needles. Yarn stores would probably reject all future credit card transactions. I suddenly had visions of my scarf revertin to a less organized and balled form of this:

bbqThe yarn from stitch cafe

Which meant only one thing. That's right rip. Rip until I got back to a point where I could actually begin anew and hopefully that didn't mean starting over the entire project.

I'm happy to say that although I lost my work from the last hour, the rest of the scarf remained in tact and I finished it. That's right it's done. This little project has seen me through my first four stitch n' bitch session. I just love it. Gray and sparkly. It knits up fast and I highly recommend it to anybody looking for a quick, fairly mindless scarf that's a step up from your garter stitch project.

I'm also glad to know I wasn't alone in having problems mixing alcohol and knitting.
bbqJennifer knitting
Jennifer has been knitting the longest scarf ever. And it's beatiful by the way. But, last night she was constantly convinced she was adding a stitch. Thankfully she didn't have to rely on me to double check her stitch count. Laurie was there to take care of it. ( Remember befundlement with the drop stitch scarf. ) Laurie was also kind enough to weave in my ends. Not only was I little off my game, turns out I had the worst needle ever. Knew I should've bought the crochet hooks on Saturday. Drunk or sober it's always better to knit with a friend so you can shamelessly steal their accessories and take advantage of their kind hearts.

Soberly yours,

So tired

I'm so tired right now. I didn't sleep very well last night and I'm embarrassed to admit I had knitting on my mind. Visions of yarn and fibers danced through my head and the totally awesome time I had with Laurie, Laina, Jennifer, Shannon, Amy, Carmen and Angie at Laurie's house.

I finished my latest scarf. Pictures coming I promise. And there are some stories around it. But, right now. So tired.


How knitting led me to a potential life of crime.

I finally got a digital camera so I can show off my work. And I found my very first completed knitting project. Pics below. LIke so many knitters my first yarn was Red Heart. I chose forest green because it's my favorite color. The pattern came from a book that taught me how to knit. "The Encyclopedia of Needlework" The book was written in the 1800's and has such useful advice for example:

To keep hands dry while doing needlework keep a small bag of asbestos by to dip your fingertips in.

That's right asbestos. But, it sill has some really nice patterns and good directions in it. This scarf was a simple pattern of Knit 1, One Over, Knit 2 together, One over, Knit 2-together and so on. So, from the very beginning I've had a fondness for open work patterns. I actually saw the pattern in Vogue Knitting this week and was so excited. I was way ahead of Vogue!

My first scarf

close up of green scarf
Originally uploaded by cafilmangel.
My very first knitting project. Done in
Red Heart yarn.

CU gray scarfThis scarf was made with the first yarn I ever bought from an actual yarn store. Which is also the first time that I locked myself out of my car own car. I lived in Culver City at the time and drove to Santa Monica. I remember being really intimidated going into the yarn store because I was such a neophyte.

I remember just kind of browsing the yarn, timidly touch one or another. (Not that much has changed) I bought the yarn because according to the tag it was a good for the one pair of needles I owned (Size 7 Susan Bates. Bought them the same time as the Green Red Heart yarn) and it was soft. It's another open ground pattern I got from the asbestos book. Looking at it now I'm amazed I ever finished it. I had no row counter at the time and it was one of those patterns where the pattern changed every odd row or something. I do remember there was a lot of ripping. Gray scarfSomewhat blurry photo

After leaving the store I got back to my car and realized the keys were not in my purse. They were safely locked in the car. I had no cell phone or AAA at the time. I was very poor. All I had was the vague memory of Robert Redford breaking into a car with a coat hanger in the movie Legal Eagles. (I loved that movie when I was younger. I recorded it from HBO and would watch it late at night)

At the time I drove an 86 Monte Carlo and this was perfect for just such a manuever. All I needed was a coat hanger. There was a man sitting in front of an apartment and I went up and asked him if I could borrow a hanger. I said borrow. What it meant was let me have a wire hanger, that I can destroy and never give back to you so I can go home to the safety of my little room. The man was very kind and gave me one. He watched me as I attempted to break into my car. It's a lot easier watching Robert Redford do it, y'all. And I was about to cry.

The man took pity on me a second time and broke into my car for me. I am forever grateful to him

I wish I could say that taught me a lesson and I never locked myself out of my car again. Oh no. I locked myself out of the Monte Carlo many, many, many times. I got a lot of practice using a coat hanger to unlock the door. I became an expert. Before I donated my 86 Monte Carlo a few years ago I could break into my car with a coat hanger in under a minute. I would have made a most excellent car thief of pre-1987 automobiles or whenever they stopped making locks with the little ledgy thing you could get the hanger around. Thank you stranger man in Santa Monica. I never did get your name.


Crazy Aunt Purl - my personal photographer

I just wanted to mention Crazy
Aunt Purl
fellow Stitch n' Bitcherer Laurie's knitting blog that I have to put in the links. Not that she needs my advertising. She's got a loyal following. Actually, sometimes it's like wow, I know Crazy Aunt Purl.
It's totally great and funny to read and I find inspirational. Plus, she takes these faboo photos of me. I'm the
first photo in the orange hat series. I must hire her as my

Drop the stitch, save the scarf

So, last night I was very proud of myself. I went to the stitch n' bitch all by myself in West Hollywood. Well, that's not really true. I went there knowing I'd see familiar faces and new found friends. But, my usual knitting partner in crime Gwenny was not there. (Yeah, i know the nickname doesn't sound punk, but that's what makes it punk. I' promise to stop with the whole punk pastiche eventually... or maybe I won't.) It was her birthday last night so she had had dinner with her boyfriend.

(Gwen, everyone asked where you were and wished you a happy birthday! )

So, I made more progress on my drop stitch scarf. In fact, I'm almost done. And I'm loving it. It's actually the first scarf that I've ever knitted that I actually think is cool. Plus, so fun dropping stitches on purpose. I don't want to give it away. This scarf is mine, all mine. (bwah hahahaha)

But, stitch n' bitch was so fun last night. Sitting, talking, drinking wine. It's great just to hang out and knit and meet knew people. I'm so excited because it's been awhile since I felt like I was part of a group outside of work. And it's so nice to talk to people and not have it be about 'the industry' as we cool kids call entertainment.

Despite my super confidence now when I was younger I was quite shy. (Yes, it's true. I know. Hard to believe now with my sparkling personality and all) And I was kind of retreating back into it again. Awhiles ago I was part of this group of friends and well it was a bit dysfunctional and very miserable. I won't bore you with the details, but I stopped talking with them, dropped them out of my life like a bad yarn. So happy I did it.

However, the group of friends had been my main source of social gathering and it was gone. I still had other friends, but you know work, busy, usual excuses. I went into a social hibernation. But, that all seems to be ending now. And I can't believe I just put it out on their on the web for anybody to see.



yeah, because I've been so good at keeping one weblog

So, this is my blog dedicated to my newest interest knitting. Well, knitting isn't really a new interest. I taught myself how to knit right after graduation from college. I just got a bug about it a few (yeah a few) years ago. I had no idea it was this whole big movement. But, the last couple of weeks I've gotten a lot more into it thanks to my friend Gwen. We went to a stitch n' bitch together and it was so much fun. Now I'm perusing knitting magazines and buying pattern books because I really enjoy knitting. But, also because I really love going to sitch n' bitch on Thursday nights in West Hollywood.

I've met some great people there and am spending more time with Gwenny. The last couple of years I've been really focused on work, work, and more work. Then one day I was on the phone with my Mom, telling her about work, and she asked, "what about life outside of work." I realized there wasn't much of one. There's various reasons for it. Maybe I'll talk about some of it. But, I realized I have to carve out time for myself out of the office, nothing to do with my career. Knitting has become a big part of that process the last three weeks.

It's hard to tell if I'll keep it up. My life is littered with projects started and incomplete. But, this whole knitting thing seems less like a project. It seems more like a passion like reading and movies have always been for me. Not something I just do, but apart of my life. And the best part about all this getting outside my work environment is I'm feeling more inspired with more new ideas rushing at me. I've really missed that.

I'm tempted to edit some of this down because it's not fully focused on knitting. But, screw it. No self editing. Why? Because I'm punk. And don't forget about it, bitch.